Monday, November 13, 2017

Classful Addressing

 In Classful Addressing System, IP Addresses are organized into following 5 classes-



  1. Class A
  2. Class B
  3. Class C
  4. Class D
  5. Class E


1. Class A-


If the 32 bit binary address starts with a bit 0, then IP Address belongs to class A.


In class A IP Address,

  • The first 8 bits are used for the Network ID.
  • The remaining 24 bits are used for the Host ID.



Total Number Of IP Addresses-


Total number of IP Addresses available in class A

= Numbers possible due to remaining available 31 bits

= 231


Total Number Of Networks-


Total number of networks available in class A

= Numbers possible due to remaining available 7 bits in the Net ID – 2

= 27 – 2

= 126

(The reason of subtracting 2 is explained later.)


Total Number Of Hosts-


Total number of hosts that can be configured in class A

= Numbers possible due to available 24 bits in the Host ID – 2

= 224 – 2

(The reason of subtracting 2 is explained later.)


Range Of 1st Octet-


We have-

  • Minimum value of 1st octet = 00000000 = 0
  • Maximum value of 1st octet = 01111111 = 127


From here,

  • Range of 1st octet = [0, 127]
  • But 2 networks are reserved and unused.
  • So, Range of 1st octet = [1, 126]




  • Class A is used by organizations requiring very large size networks like NASA, Pentagon etc.


2. Class B-


If the 32 bit binary address starts with bits 10, then IP Address belongs to class B.


In class B IP Address,

  • The first 16 bits are used for the Network ID.
  • The remaining 16 bits are used for the Host ID.



Total Number Of IP Addresses-


Total number of IP Addresses available in class B

= Numbers possible due to remaining available 30 bits

= 230


Total Number Of Networks-


Total number of networks available in class B

= Numbers possible due to remaining available 14 bits in the Net ID

= 214


Total Number Of Hosts-


Total number of hosts that can be configured in class B

= Numbers possible due to available 16 bits in the Host ID – 2

= 216 – 2


Range Of 1st Octet-


We have-

  • Minimum value of 1st octet = 10000000 = 128
  • Maximum value of 1st octet = 10111111 = 191


So, Range of 1st octet = [128, 191]




  • Class B is used by organizations requiring medium size networks like IRCTC, banks etc.


3. Class C-


If the 32 bit binary address starts with bits 110, then IP Address belongs to class C.


In class C IP Address,

  • The first 24 bits are used for the Network ID.
  • The remaining 8 bits are used for the Host ID.



Total Number Of IP Addresses-


Total number of IP Addresses available in class C

= Numbers possible due to remaining available 29 bits

= 229


Total Number Of Networks-


Total number of networks available in class C

= Numbers possible due to remaining available 21 bits in the Net ID

= 221


Total Number Of Hosts-


Total number of hosts that can be configured in class C

= Numbers possible due to available 8 bits in the Host ID – 2

= 28 – 2


Range Of 1st Octet-


We have-

  • Minimum value of 1st octet = 11000000 = 192
  • Maximum value of 1st octet = 110111111 = 223


So, Range of 1st octet = [192, 223]




  • Class C is used by organizations requiring small to medium size networks.
  • For example- engineering colleges, small universities, small offices etc.


4. Class D-


If the 32 bit binary address starts with bits 1110, then IP Address belongs to class D.


  • Class D is not divided into Network ID and Host ID.



Total Number Of IP Addresses-


Total number of IP Addresses available in class D

= Numbers possible due to remaining available 28 bits

= 228


Range Of 1st Octet-


We have-

  • Minimum value of 1st octet = 11100000 = 224
  • Maximum value of 1st octet = 11101111 = 239


So, Range of 1st octet = [224, 239]




  • Class D is reserved for multicasting.
  • In multicasting, there is no need to extract host address from the IP Address.
  • This is because data is not destined for a particular host.


5. Class E-


If the 32 bit binary address starts with bits 1111, then IP Address belongs to class E.


  • Class E is not divided into Network ID and Host ID.



Total Number Of IP Addresses-


Total number of IP Addresses available in class E

= Numbers possible due to remaining available 28 bits

= 228


Range Of 1st Octet-


We have-

  • Minimum value of 1st octet = 11110000 = 240
  • Maximum value of 1st octet = 11111111 = 255


So, Range of 1st octet = [240, 255]




  • Class E is reserved for future or experimental purposes.


Classes of IP Address-


All the classes of IP Address are summarized in the following table-


Class of IP AddressTotal Number of IP Addresses 1st Octet Decimal RangeNumber of Networks availableHosts per networkDefault Subnet Mask
Class A2311 – 12627 – 2224 – 2255.0.0.0
Class B230128 – 191214216 – 2255.255.0.0
Class C229192 – 22322128 – 2255.255.255.0
Class D228224 – 239Not definedNot definedNot defined
Class E228240 – 254Not definedNot definedNot defined

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