Wednesday, February 19, 2020

How To Install Windows XP In Virtual Box

In this tutorial I will show you how to install Windows XP in virtual box for free. 

Virtual Box: 

Windows XP Professional ISO: WinRAR: 
Discord Server: 

DISCLAIMER: Remember to be careful when using Windows XP. Since there are no security updates, your OS and data will be vulnerable to security threats. So use at your own risk.

How To Drag and Drop Files/Folders between Virtual Machine and Host Machine On Virtualbox ?  
Step 1: Go to Settings of Your Virtual machine in Viirtualbox . 
Step 2: Go to General ,and then Advanced tab . 
 Step 3: Click the Dropdown, Drag and Drop and choose Bidirectional . 
Step 4: Click on Ok . 
Now ,go to your Virtual Machine and you can easily Drag and Drop Files/Folders between Virtual machine and Host machine . 
 That's all Thanks for watching,if you like this tutorial ,please like and share .

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