Saturday, March 14, 2020

How to Create Firewall Rules in the Windows Firewall

A firewall is a system that is designed to prevent unauthorized access from entering a private network by filtering the information that comes in from the internet. A firewall blocks unwanted traffic and permits wanted traffic.

These firewall rules protects against inbound and outbound intrusions. An inbound firewall rule protects against incoming traffic from the Internet or other network segments. An outbound firewall protects against outgoing traffic originating from a suspicious application. Open the Windows firewall by clicking on the Start Button ~ type "Windows firewall with advanced security" and click the application. Let's create an inbound and outbound rule to block the Chrome browser program from sending or receiving network traffic on your computer. First, select Inbound Rules, right click and and select "New Rule ...". In our example, we want to block the Chrome program, so we select Program and click Next. Locate the Chrome application from the dialog box and click Next. Since we want to Block the connection, we select the "Block Connection" option and click Next. If you want this rule to be applied only when you are using a Public connection like a Public Wifi, select Public and disable Private. For the sake of our example, I will keep all the options checked. Click Next. Name the Rule and click Finish. Now let's create an Outbound Rule. The steps are similar. Undoing the rules is simple, simply select the rule and click disable. Now that we have our rules in place, let's test it ... Open Chrome and go to any website. As you can see, the connection has been blocked (use Pen). Now let's undo the rules and try again, and as you can see, Chrome is now able to connect back to the Internet

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