Sunday, April 12, 2020

Computer Networking A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet

Computer Networking

A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet

1 Computer Networks and the Internet (zipfile contendo Cap. 1)
1.10 ATM
1.11 Summary

2 Application Layer (zipfile contendo Cap. 2)
2.9 Summary

3 Transport Layer (zipfile contendo Cap. 3)
3.8 Summary

4 Network Layer and Routing (zipfile contendo Cap. 4)
4.7 IPv6
4.9 Summary

5 Link Layer and Local Area Networks (zipfile contendo Cap. 5)
5.5 Ethernet
5.9 ATM
5.11 Summary

6 Multimedia Networking (zipfile contendo Cap. 6)
6.4 RTP
6.8 RSVP
6.10 Summary

Security in Computer Networks (zipfile contendo Cap. 7)
7.4 Integrity
7.9 Summary

8 Network Management (zipfile contendo Cap. 8)
8.4 ASN.1
8.5 Firewalls
8.6 Summary

Some relevant online audio material:

Asynchronous learning links:

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